Build With Us!

Based in Seoul

Basic Fit-Check


Our early stage work will be dominated by backend and web client software engineering. If you are a great fit as a co-founder, we can adjust our product planning around capability you bring, but right now the need for work is strongly biased toward technical and experienced with time-risk-management and startup artistry.

Backend Engineers

More than anything, we will need people focused on building technical momentum, using a small set of tools in highly consistent ways and automating at the right speed.

Implementing our products will tend towards solutions commonly adopted in social media products. There will be shared access to important aggregates used in user-driven decision processes. Beneficial experience includes eventual-consistency, consensus, and CRDTs.

Our handling of payments will favor more experience with compliance & security than some products. User-driven decisions to move money will demand more care for security against sock-puppent and other entrainment attacks.

Tools & Techniques

Looking farther ahead, interest in semantic analysis and P2P will play out favorably. Tools for ready-made semantic search and automatic summarization will add a lot of value. There is a strong competitive force that push towards decentralization of some of the core primitives.

Client Engineers

We need people who understand the customer. The mechanics of our products will dominate the growth. There will not be a big team making these decisions and delivering detailed specification. There won't be anyone looking at analytics or any data to analyze. We have to rely on deductive forward-looking reasoning and good judgement of uncertainty.

We mainly need flexible clients that pick up new API changes fast. This favors web-first. Our backend and front-ends will use schema-based Rust client code generation to create our commonality. It is preferred to re-use that capability via native integration on other platforms.

Tools & Techniques

Our Values

These apply to every employee, team, department, and to the company as a whole.


Being finite means not waiting for solutions to emerge when it is our mission and responsibility to create the paths forward. Where we are going, there will be no data. We have to manage uncertainty by bootstrapping our own solutions efficiently. There will be problems with no good starting foundation, we have to build what we are to stand on.


Being positive first means we like what our products do in the world. As a team, it means securing early forward progress to propel and respect each other as team members. It means following coincidental dividends we can achieve quickly towards potential payoffs of deeper investements. It is part of our risk-management philosophy and how we maintain robust capability and potential.


Being large means putting the value creation of the ecosystem ahead of narrowly chasing the value that flows through our products. When we see our customers growth as our own, through cooperative network effects, we will be rewarded.

Large. also means not getting distracted using resources to actively push on small problems that can be fully optimized out of a bigger picture. Competitively, it means favoring innovation as a means of growth over defending ground that inevitably shifts.